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From left to right Jelmer Domela, Reiji Miwa, Leon Vermeij and Erik van Boom

Dear valuable business partners, 

since its founding in 1989, we, as the Alphatron Marine Group, have been a very successful system integrator. This is because of the spirit to succeed and the flexible minds of our employees that have taken root in our corporate culture. Even by the time we will reach our 50-years or 100-years anniversary, we will adhere to this corporate culture.

By becoming a part of the Japan Radio Company Group in 2014, an organization with over 100 years of experience, we were given new responsibilities as a manufacturer. Manufacturing and system integration is a completely different business and the expectations were high for this merger and synergies to deliver unique products and services.

With the sentence “The Human Touch in Technology” a wonderful slogan was created by the co-founder of Alphatron Marine. These words are the unification between human and technology and the essence for product development. Certainly, the products that have succeeded in the world have some consideration for human touch in the design. We will continue to provide such products to our customers and hope that you will remember these words when you receive our products.


Do you have any questions about our company, a collaboration, management or a sales or service question? Please get in touch with us. Our team is pleased to support you with all your questions.

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From left to right, Luuk Vroombout and Reiji Miwa

From 1st June Reiji Miwa will take over the helm in the position of CEO of the beautiful company that Dick Slingerland, who after a short illness sadly passed away in December 2020, and I have founded. After being active for more than 50 years in the marine electronics it is time for me to step down and enjoy life in all its facets by spending more time in the lovely country of Spain, spending more time with family and friends and to pay more attention to the heritage of the Maassluis tugboat harbour.

I wish Reiji-san every success in his new position and I will support him when needed.

Yours sincerely,

Chief Executive Officer, Reiji Miwa

Co-founder and Executive Advisor, Luuk Vroombout

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